If you’re looking for fellowship with others around the idea of God reconciling all to Himself, we encourage you to check out the options below.
We’d love it if you joined the conversation on Facebook at the Relentless Love/Peter Hiett Page. Comment on a recent sermon, watch a previous full service, join our Sanctuarians Group to post your thoughts and encouragements, comment on others’ posts, and to interact with Sanctuarians in Denver and beyond.
Connect with like-minded believers—either in your area or throughout the world—at Hope For All Fellowship, a website run by Gerry Beauchemin. They are excited about the Good News that is shared here at Relentless-Love.org & The Sanctuary Denver and they have a passion to help foster community for those who believe that Jesus is Savior of All.
If you don’t live in the Denver area, The Orchard Church in Fair Oaks, CA is compiling a network of Universalist Friendly Churches:
URFriendly Churches (pw: URfriendly)
If you attend a UR Friendly church, please email us to let us know about it: .