Reflective Questions for Personal Devotion and Communal Fellowship –
Sermon – ‘The Atonement: The Tree in the Middle of the Garden’
Do you remember the first time you saw a picture of the crucifixion? What is your reaction to such a picture? Has your reaction changed over time?
How did you initially understand/experience the concept of salvation through the cross?
If someone asked you: ‘Why did Jesus have to die on the Cross?’ and ‘How does that save me?,’ how would you answer?
So much of Christian theology is built around a division in how God relates to us: His justice and His mercy. How do you practice justice and mercy in your own life? Are they divided for you?
Pastor Peter distinguishes between a salvation by Christ that comes from His resurrected life setting us free versus atonement that comes from His death. How does Christianity feel different when His death is elevated instead of His resurrected life?
We encounter stories of salvation, atonement, and rescue, all the time— in our movies, our myths, and our stories. Why do you think we humans fixate on telling and experiencing such stories?
What stories/movies/books that relate to these themes most affect you? What are the moments in those stories when you feel the most affected?
Pastor Peter discusses several theories of atonement. Did any of them stick out to you as one that you have particularly believed in/hoped for? Which one makes the most sense to you? What about the least?
How do you think Jesus would personally describe salvation to you?
How does Jesus Himself being the atonement/salvation/judgment (rather than Him being a character or tool of it) affect your experience of salvation?
Written by Ben Harney
For use by The Sanctuary and Relentless Love communities; to be paired with Pastor
Peter Hiett’s autumn sermon series; and used for solitary devotion or in small