Reflective Questions for Personal Devotion and Communal Fellowship –

Sermon – ‘The Terrifying Implication of a Universal Salvation’

What were/are your initial reactions to universal salvation? What reactions to it have you seen from other people?

What brought you to believe in universal salvation / what is intriguing to you about this view?

Think about your experience of the Bible. What have been the most challenging passages regarding universal salvation? Which has been the most inspiring of this view?

How has universal salvation affected your sense of worth? What about the worth of other people?

Think about the kind of roles you have in your life (student, mother, employee, son, etc.). Can your roles in their respective contexts inform how you understand being a member in the universally loved body of Christ?

How does a theology of universal salvation shape your experience of your own sin? What about the sin of other people?

Can you recall specific encounters / experiences you’ve had with the fire— the love— of God? What was it like to ‘lose your life’? What was it like to then be ‘found’?

How would you describe universal salvation to someone who does not hold to this view? How will you show it in the way that you live?

Written by Ben Harney

For use by The Sanctuary and Relentless Love communities; to be paired with Pastor
Peter Hiett’s autumn sermon series; and used for solitary devotion or in small

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