Reflective Questions for Personal Devotion and Communal Fellowship –
Sermon – ‘Hell: The (Imaginary) Elephant in the Middle of the Room’

How has the institutional view of hell impacted your own view of Jesus, yourself, and others?

How have people that you have talked to been impacted by the institutional view of hell?

What is it like for your own faith and theology to hear Peter discuss an alternative view of hell?

Where/when have you experienced hell in your own life?

Has Jesus been there with you?

When have you “looked into the fire” and seen Jesus?

What happened if/when you saw Him?

What does it mean for you to join Jesus in the fire?

What are some ways that you continue to create a prison for yourself— our body of death?

What are some ways that you might see more of your eternal being that God has given you?

How does the view that God is able to love all and save all make you feel about yourself, friends,
family, neighbors, or enemies?

How does the gospel of relentless affect the way you relate to others?— treat your family?— do
your work?— evangelize?

What is it like for your soul or psyche when you call God ‘dad’, and think of Him as a good dad?

Written by Ben Harney
For use by The Sanctuary and Relentless Love communities; to be paired with Pastor
Peter Hiett’s autumn sermon series; and used for solitary devotion or in small

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