Revelation 2:1-7
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(Think of a time when you felt most loved. Was it when you felt you “deserved” love or at a time when you felt you didn’t “deserve” it?)

Adam and Eve hid (or veiled) themselves in the garden with fig-leaves.

  • Do you ever hide from God? If so, what emotions or beliefs prompt you to hide from Him?

Even when Adam and Eve hid, God was pursuing them in the Garden.  In the second chapter of Revelation, God reveals that Jesus is also walking among His church—the lampstand—pursuing His Bride even when she has abandoned Him:“You have abandoned the Love you had at first” (Rev. 2:4).

  • How do you feel knowing that even when you hide from God, no matter what you’ve done, He is pursuing you and longs to be in relationship with you?

In his sermon, Peter talked about communion beyond the boundaries of our own self-centered kingdoms of control—a communion that is somehow life and creates life… a moment when one feels another’s delight.

  • Have you ever experienced someone else’s delight rather than just your own? What can you learn about God’s love and loving others from that experience?

Satan tried to tempt us to never surrender our wounded hearts—”to guard them with law . . . keep it prim and proper, to maintain absolute control over the sovereign, little kingdom of our souls and be in absolute control so we might never be hurt again.”

  • Can you think of ways you might be trying to guard your heart with the law?
  • What might God be calling you to instead?

*These questions were created by Kimberly Weynen, Peter Hiett’s assistant.