
On Good Friday Pilate held an election. He asked “the people” to vote for King of the Jews: “Jesus Barabbas” or “Jesus called Christ”

We all vote for Barabbas; we all vote for the principalities of this world.

We think they can save us and ensure our freedom.

We ask them to pass laws and build walls to protect our “rights.”

But the boxes we build to protect our freedom limit our freedom—until we’re no longer free to love . . . and Love is Life.

Jerusalem was a walled city that became a prison and must be destroyed.

On Good Friday, “the elect” elected Barabbas and rejected Jesus the Christ.

You don’t vote for King. But this is the Gospel: the King votes for you.

That very morning the King took bread and broke it saying, “Take and eat.”

And He took a cup saying, “This is the covenant in my blood. Drink of it all of you.”

The people vote for Barabbas, chant “Let Jesus Christ be crucified,” and then they cry, “Let His blood be on us and our children.”

Christ’s blood destroys all our boxes and sets us free.

Nothing is more powerful than the free will of our King.

We don’t elect the King, but the King elects us, that we would elect Him in Freedom, and together be His Beautiful Thing—”The New Jerusalem coming down.”

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