Reflective Questions for Personal Devotion and Communal Fellowship –
Sermon – ‘Eschatology: “God is Salvation” Wins and Has Always Won’
When you hear the word Gospel, what immediately comes to mind? What do you think might come to mind for a stranger, a friend, or another family member?
How has your understanding of the Gospel changed over the course of your life or faith journey?
What kind of eschatology has been most active in your faith life? When have you ‘expected’ Jesus?
Have you struggled before to grasp the eschatological timeline? What do you think makes understanding this so intriguing to humans, and so difficult?
How would you explain the timeline of your own life? What about your own faith? Where and how does Jesus enter that timeline?
What is it like, or what might it be like, for the eternity of Jesus to encounter the temporality of your own timeline and ego?
Whether you can fully ‘explain’ it or not, have ever you experienced Jesus confounding your understanding of time, narrative, and identity?
How can you tell when you, or someone else, are ‘dancing’ in the fullness of the seventh day?
What do you feel in your own soul, mind, or body when God’s time pierces your reality?
How might you remind yourself of your need for the relentlessly loving victory of God? How might you practice ‘dancing’?
Written by Ben Harney
For use by The Sanctuary and Relentless Love communities; to be paired with Pastor
Peter Hiett’s autumn sermon series; and used for solitary devotion or in small