I (Peter) love to get questions, and often they’re very similar to those that I’ve been asked in the past. We’ve decided to publish some of these questions and my responses in the hope that they might be helpful to you. Please feel free to ask more… and I might ask some of you… and we might have a conversation. We’ll keep your identity a secret. Unless of course, you want to be famous!

(Click on a selection to jump to that section below)

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All Questions

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How soon is soon? Why does Jesus get a pass?

Did Jesus give up his life to bind Satan?

Should we second guess every decision we make in life?

What is the best argument or reason we have against polyamory?

How do we live in light of prophetic warnings?

Jesus says, “Father, forgive them.” Who is “them?”

Can we lose the Grace of God’s forgiveness?

Where is the demarcation between our efforts to “work out” our own salvation and that which God has predetermined for us to toil? (Philippians 2:12-13)

Are we witnessing the “last days” of the Christian mythology?

Did God create evil? Does God have two wills?

How can any of us be certain that we are not leaning on our own understanding?

What is the Gospel?

Where is The Fall in Scripture?

Why am I being rejected by the Institutional Church?

Why are we told to be subject to “authorities,” when we are to be “subject to God?”

Why do we die?

Why is it so hard for some to believe Romans 5:18?

Scripture Reference Related

How do you interpret Romans 11:32?

Does God’s Wrath Produce Righteousness? (James 1:19)

The greatest commandment or the greatest promise? (Matthew 22:36-40)

Everlasting Destruction and Shut Out? (2 Thessalonians 1:5-10)

Help me with Daniel 12:1-3

How can you say that God redeems all, when “the punishment” in Matthew 25:46 is “everlasting” or “eternal?”

Revelation 14:10 — “Tormented With Fire and Sulfur… In the Presence of the Holy Angels… And the Lamb …???”

Can you help me with Hebrews 10:26? I feel Like It’s Too Late For Me to Be Saved. (“For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins…”)

There’s an “if” in Colossians 1:23. Is the Reconciliation of all Dependent Upon Our Faith?

Help me with Hebrews 3: “As I swore in my wrath, ‘They shall not enter my rest.’”

Where is the demarcation between our efforts to “work out” our own salvation and that which God has predetermined for us to toil? (Philippians 2:12-13)

All Questions

How does Jesus fulfill the Lex Talionis? (law of retribution; eye for an eye)

What is God’s Will?

Have you thought about making a Four Spiritual Laws tract from a universalist perspective? 

Who are the children of God?

What will heaven be like?

Why did Jesus have to die?

What’s the purpose of existence?

What did the sacrifice of Christ do, if not atone for sin?

How do you interpret Romans 11:32?

Did the cross accomplish Life for all or only forgiveness?

Does God Need Satan?

Are we saved by Force or Freedom?

What do you think about abortion and why?

What is grace?

What good is faith now?

God does not will evil, but does he will that we encounter evil?

Does God’s Wrath Produce Righteousness? (James 1:19)

The greatest commandment or the greatest promise? (Matthew 22:36-40)

Love and free will

How do you stay strong in Spirit?

How do you forgive?

How can I have childlike faith?

What are your thoughts on the fear of death?

What does blasphemy against the Holy Spirit mean?

What about Ananias and Sapphira?

Everlasting Destruction and Shut Out? (2 Thessalonians 1:5-10)

What If You Are Wrong About Universal Salvation?

Are You A Universalist?

Do People Need To Confess Jesus As Lord (On This Earth) To Be Saved?

Why Be Good If There’s No Punishment For Bad?

Even if God Reconciles All To Himself, Is it Wise to Tell Everyone that This is So?

Is the Bible 100% Accurate?

Is it Always God’s Will To Heal?

What’s the “Unforgivable Sin?” And How Could God Make Such a Person New?

Even if God Saves us From Evil, Why Does He Allow it in the First Place?

If All People Will Be Saved, Why Preach the Gospel?

What actually saves us? The work of Christ, our belief, or both?

What Will Happen to Satan?

I Want to be Convinced that Christ Will Save ALL, but I Find Myself so Afraid…Help!

What Do I Get For “Believing the Gospel?”

Are we Created Good or Bad or Something Else?

If “Hell” is Eternal and All Babies go to Heaven, Why are Christians Opposed to Abortion?

Adam, Eve, the Garden, the Fall, Were They Real? Does It Matter?

Is Hell “Eternal?”

Satan tempted Eve with “knowledge.” Why would I want knowledge?

Was Humanity Ever Indebted to God? How Could Anyone Be Indebted to God?

What’s a tare? What’s a “Child of the Devil?” And What About “Election?”

Do You Believe That God the Father Left Jesus At The Cross?

Do You Believe That God the Father Left Jesus At The Cross?

Why Did This “God of Love” Create Hurricane Harvey?

Help me with Daniel 12:1-3

Do We Have to Be Baptized? And Do You Ever Feel Guilty That You Believe?

Do You Believe People Will Get Another Chance After Death?

Do “Christians” worship “free will?”

How can you say that God redeems all, when “the punishment” in Matthew 25:46 is “everlasting” or “eternal?”

Revelation 14:10 — “Tormented With Fire and Sulfur… In the Presence of the Holy Angels… And the Lamb …???”

Can you help me with Hebrews 10:26? I feel Like It’s Too Late For Me to Be Saved. (“For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins…”)

There’s an “if” in Colossians 1:23. Is the Reconciliation of all Dependent Upon Our Faith?

Help me with Hebrews 3: “As I swore in my wrath, ‘They shall not enter my rest.’”

Do You Believe God Compels or Invites Devotion?

You Have Said That Satan Is An Absence Of Something–a “no-thing.” Are Demons “no-things” As Well?

Are We gods?

Am I “the Word”…Jesus?

Why Does God Make Promises, and tell us not to make promises?

Is Knowledge Evil or Good, and what about “Religion?”

What Do You Think of “The Law of Attraction?”

What Movies Should We Watch? (I struggle with lust of the flesh.)