All sermons are messages about the glory of God revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. They all end at the table of the Lord, yet each begins in a different place and travels a different route. On that journey to the table, we touch on all sorts of topics. In this topical sermon catalog, we just hope to direct you to messages according to those topics. This little catalog is by no means exhaustive, but the best we have for now. (You may also note that sermons can be searched by topical “tags.” We’ve only recently begun to tag messages and the tags are not as accurate as the topics in this catalog.)
The catalog is in alphabetical order.
Sermons that have a (*) are Peter’s picks for most pivotal paradigm poppers.
Sermon Catalog Index
(Click on a topic to jump to the sermons below)
The Atonement (The Cross of Christ)
Beauty (the Nature of Goodness)
The Bible and How to Read It
The Body of Christ (Anakephalaio—it may be bigger than you think)
Community (Fellowship)
Competition (Jealousy)
Confession and Grace
The Covenant
The Curse
Creation and Evolution
Depression and Sorrow
Desires and Dreams
Devotional Life
Discipline (and the violence of God)
The Eternal Fire
The Environment
Epistemology (How We Know)
Evangelism (Witnessing to “non-believers” and “believers”)
Evil (What it “is” and what it’s for)
The Existence of God
Faith (Courage)
Faith (Epistemology, Apologetics)
Faith (Salvation)
Faith (Trust/Surrender)
The Flesh (it may not be what you think)
Forgiveness (and the Unforgivable Sin)
Freedom and Responsibility
Free Will/Sovereignty
Giving/Prosperity (Money!)
God where they “Don’t Know God”
God’s Character
God’s Sovereignty
Hades (Outer Darkness)
Hearing God’s Voice
“Hell,” The Nature of
How to Do God’s Will
Immanence of God
Incarnation and Missions
The Judgment
Judgment (Decision Making)
Lord’s Supper (Communion)
Love (The Romance of God)
Love (unconditional)
Love For All (Including the Lost)
Old Man/New Man
New Life
Politics and Religion
Power (and Love)
Pride (The Human Ego)
Reality (Ontology and Epistemology)
Religion/Self Righteousness
Repentance (Grace that creates Faith)
Sacrifice and Life (Blood Flow)
The Sanctity of Human Life (Abortion, Poverty, Immigration)
Sex and Marriage
Science and Biblical Faith
Signs and Wonders
Space-Time and Eternity (2nd Coming of Christ)
Spiritual Warfare
The Tree of Knowledge & Tree of Life
Ultimate Reconciliation for All (Apokatastasis)
The Unity of All Humanity
Vengeance (God’s, of course)
The Word of God (will not fail)
The Wrath of God
Sermons that address:
3-1-20 Mad as Hell (and Happy as Heaven)
12-17-17 Laodicea: Pleasant as Hell
The Atonement (The Cross of Christ)
3-18-12 Vengeance and a Winepress. *
3-4-12 One Skin, Two Skin, Three Skin… [Circumcision]
7-22-12 That Thing That Jesus Did on the Cross *
6-3-12 The Father’s Sacrifice and the Blood Thirsty God
8-23-15 Jesus Envy (Christians Who Crucify Christ)
8-30-15 The Clothes Make the Man (When Christians Put On Christ)
1-20-19 The Tree in the Middle of the Garden *
7-21-19 Why You Should Fear God *
12-24-20 The Baby Bomb (A Baby in Every Manger)
4-4-21 Prophecy 106 (I Know What You Did Last Friday
4-11-21 Prophecy 107 (Retribution)
12-12-21 Relativity and the Reason That is Right (Christmas)
9-4-22 Mercy On All: The Resurrection of Adam
5-21-23 How Moses Made Decisions (and Decision Made Moses)
5-28-23 Courage (and Where Joshua Found It)
6-25-23 Sensible Giving (and a Whole Lot. of Bull)
12-24-23 I’ll Be Home for Christmas (the Testimony of Old Simeon from the Temple)
8-4-24 Why Jesus Won’t be President
10-20-24 The Judgement: There is Only One
10-27-24 The Atonement: The Tree in the Middle of the Garden
7-28-14 Baptism: Get in the Van
Beauty (the Nature of Goodness)
9-25-16 Beauty-Full…But Beasts *
3-26-17 The Beautiful Thing and How to Do It
7-28-19 Hiding in Plain Sight (Why God Wears Clothes)t
The Bible and How to Read It
3-2-14 How to Read Your Bible [This is similar to 4-25-16]
4-17-16 The Story (A Stack of Letters)
4-25-16 His Story in You (Incarnation)
1-12-20 The Devil Quotes the Bible
2-21-21 Prophecy 103 (The Not Boring Heaven)
7-7-24 Scripture (The Gospel and The Cookbook)
The Body of Christ (Anakephalaio—it may be bigger than you think)
1-20-13 ONE HOPE and Many Strange Vessels
2-10-13 BODY BUILDING (Through Dialectical Reasoning)
2-17-13 BODY BUILDING (The Nuts and Bolt
2-9-14 Prayer for Proclaiming the Mystery (And How to Have a Heart Attack)
3-11-18 Three Woes and a Great Kindness
3-18-18 To Prophesy the Mystery *
3-17-19 Our Soul Shouts for Joy
1-26-20 When What’s Wrong is What’s Right
4-12-20 The Corona Virus and the End of Social Distancing (Easter)
10-30-22 Wake Up (The Apocalypse at Hand)
11-6-22 Pay What You Owe, Sleepy Head
10-29-23 Family Values (the Adam’s)
11-19-23 Signs of Life at the Living Temple (Beautiful Deeds?)
10-27-24 The Atonement: The Tree in the Middle of the Garden
12-8-19 Envy (How Skipping Church Makes You Stupid)
6-24-22 Why You Don’t Have to “Go to Church)
9-10-23 How the Church Changes the World (Communion on a Sinking Ship)
3-17-24 Turtle Pens and the Power of The Imperishable Seed
Community (Fellowship)
4-11-10 The Abundance of Shared Poverty *
11-2-14 Groups (and why you don’t like this title)
4-12-20 The Corona Virus and the End of Social Distancing (Easter)
9-19-21 The Hidden Blessings of Kryptonite (Looking for Superman II)
11-4-12 I’m God and I approve this message
11-15-15 The Kiss That Blows the Mind *
1-24-16 Lazarus, the Rich Man, and Dr. Evil
11-8-20 Partisan Politics: Three Days in Hell
Competition (Jealousy)
10-9-16 How to Win the Beauty Pageant
12-8-19 Envy (How Skipping Church Makes You Stupid)
Confession and Grace
5-16-10 Zombies and Vampires: Let Jesus Offend the Hell Out of You
5-24-15 Blessed are the Dirtbags
6-28-15 Hell and How to Stay There
5-12-19 How to Become a Mom (Where Babies Come From)
12-24-19 Larry the Sheep Guy and Concept C
9-19-21 The Hidden Blessings of Kryptonite (Looking for Superman II)
The Covenant
3-29-20 My Favorite Swear Word
The Curse
3-22-20 The Corona Virus and the Blessing of the Curse
Creation and Evolution
2-11-07 The Deepest Story Part 1 *
2-18-07 The Deepest Story Part 2 *
9-15-24 Creation: Did God Lose Control of Time?
4-20-14 Breathe (the day my father died)
2-12-17 Death, Vanity, and the Reaper
7-8-18 The Dead Who Die and Dance
7-15-18 Glory Glory Hallelujah (The Grim Reaper Isn’t Grim)
9-8-19 Where the Hell is God? (the day my mother died)
2-16-20 A Near-Life Experience (for Zombies)
8-13-23 A Most Encouraging Discouraging Story (Ananias and Sapphira)
6-16-24 Why God Kills People and Those People Are Not Dead
12-14-14 The Wisdom of Grumpy Jesus (and dogs)
Depression and Sorrow
3-26-17 Depression, Repression, and Expression (The Beautiful Thing III)
8-25-24 The Name of the Promise is Laughter
Desires and Dreams
6-13-10 Wanting to Want What You Don’t Want, But Should Want
9-23-12 Lunatics (or “Why You Exist and Everything is What It Is”) *
12-16-12 Exceedingly Abundantly More Than All We Ask or Think
10-16-16 Dream . . . ing your Life Away
10-30-16 Power To Enjoy (or “The Problem With Cows”)
8-11-19 The Kind of Good You Can Taste
1-19-20 The Kingdom and the Crowd
1-28-24 Journey to the Magic Kingdom (Get in the Van)
Devotional Life
1-4-15 The One Necessary Thing
7-23-17 How to Conquer the Promised Land (“Devotion”)
10-1-17 Ephesus and That Loving Feeling
4-7-19 Don’t Just do Something, Sit There
4-17-22 Easter For Me (the Chief of Sinners)
6-30-24 Therefore (The Application)
3-19-23 Wrestling Your Blessing
8-28-22 You Can Go to H3!! (The Kindness and Severity of God)
Discipline (and the Violence of God)
8-13-23 A Most Encouraging Discouraging Story (Ananias and Sapphira)
8-20-23 Another Encouraging Discouraging Story (Magicians and Worshipers)
The Eternal Fire
5-6-12 To Burn and Not Be Burnt *
6-27-21 Firefall: How Law Becomes Life
Epistemology (How We Know)
10-6-24 The Fall: The Doctrine of Original Ignorance
The Environment
5-12-24 Why Be Good? (Wisdom From a Dumb Ass)
Evangelism (Witnessing to “non-believers” and “believers”)
5-27-07 How to Make a World with Just a Word
11-16-14 Don’t Go Tell it on the Mountain
11-23-14 Go Listen on the Mountain (or “The Temptation of Superman’s Girlfriend II”)
5-10-15 Let Your Light So Shine (The Politics of Jesus)
4-23-17 The Great Omission and Commission
9-11-17 American Gods (and how to beat them)
9-18-17 300 (and how they conquered the gods)
2-4-18 What’s So Great About the Great Tribulation? (The Omen)
4-22-18 To Prophesy the Mystery (and Conquer the Beast)
11-15-20 Partisan Politics: Three Days in Hell (Part 2)
12-13-20 Eureka (A Baby in Every Manger)
12-6-20 Seek (or Christmas in Athens)
7-25-21 The Picture on the Father’s Desk
1-22-23 Seeds of Hope and Where They Grow
9-3-23 The Biblical Strategy for Global Conquest and Limitless Success
9-10-23 How the Church Changes the World (Communion on a Sinking Ship)
11-5-23 How to Rebuild the Temple and Love Your Neighbor
5-19-24 Why Preach the Gospel (Wisdom From a Dumb Ass)
Evil (What it “is” and what it’s for)
9-9-18 The Beast Is Not; So What Am I?
4-7-24 The Adversary (an Alien Encounter)
The Existence of God
1-21-07 Questions Too Big For Any Specialist
10-11-09 The Unreasonable Reason
7-28-19 Hiding in Plain Sight (Why God Wears Clothes)
5-15-22 When it’s Not Working it’s Working (Nuts)
Faith (Courage)
1-2-11 To Laugh While Drowning
10-21-12 When You Know What the World Doesn’t Know
1-14-18 How to Conquer the World: The Meaning of Your Scroll
5-21-23 How Moses Made Decisions (and Decision Made Moses)
5-28-23 Courage (and Where Joshua Found It)
Faith (Epistemology, Apologetics)
10-17-21 Faith and “What Can Be Known About God”
Faith (Salvation)
1-11-15 Faith in the Valley of Transfiguration
2-8-15 The Faith that Saves You
9-27-20 To Laugh While Drowning (2020)
5-16-21 How to Do Good (The Perfect Offering)
5-23-21 Take a Walk (with the Unmoved Mover)
Faith (Trust/Surrender)
7-28-14 Baptism: Get in the Van
1-15-17 Non-Strategic Obedience
9-23-18 The Romance of God (The Death of Fear and the Birth of Faith) *
7-12-20 Psyched Out (and Back In)
9-26-21 St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans: Say “Daddy”
2-12-23 Romans 16:17-The End ~ The Mystery
1-26-25 Faith and the “Unreasonable” Reason
6-14-17 American Gods (and how to beat them)
10-29-23 Family Values (the Adam’s)
1-5-25 The Conspiracy of Evil (and What to Not Do About It)
5-14-17 God is Even Better Than Your Mom
5-3-20 Perfection (and Infinate Neurosis)
7-12-20 Psyched Out (and Back In)
9-27-20 To Laugh While Drowning (2020)
4-4-21 Prophecy 106 (I Know What You Did Last Friday
The Flesh (It may not be what you think)
12-9-12 To Know your Unknowable Name (You are not your $#!%)
10-14-18 The Violence of Grace
7-30-23 Peter, Judas, and The Only Way to Die
Forgiveness (and The Unforgivable Sin)
10-14-12 Forgiven Forgiver (and the unforgivable sin)
10-7-12 Forgiven… even before you had a chance to sin
2-28-16 Stuck on Jackass Hill (Blaspheming the Spirit)
5-31-20 The Father’s Unforgivable Sin
6-14-20 Lead Us Not Into Temptation
6-18-23 What to Get the Man Who Has Everything
Freedom and Responsibility
9-7-14 The Easy Yoke (How to become irresponsibly responsible)
9-14-14 ReCreational Righteousness (The Easy Yoke 2)
1-25-15 Maturing Into Irresponsibility
3-13-22 Happy Slaves and Miserable Despots
Free Will/Sovereignty
3-22-09 God’s Dreams and Our Dreams
2-8-15 The Faith that Saves You
2-14-16 If The God Beats the Hell out of You
8-6-17 How to Abide in the Promised Land (There’s No Place Like Home)
5-29-22 Double Predestination (and the Sacred Sperm)
6-5-22 Double Predestination (Who to Blame?)
7-10-22 Free Will: The Word Imprisoned in Your Heart
7-31-22 Why I Am Likes You: Free Will
9-4-22 Mercy On All: The Resurrection of Adam
4-16-23 The Chosen Unchosen (Seeing the One that Sees You)
7-16-23 Ester: Harlot, Bride, and Mother (“Such a Time as This”)
11-10-24 Love and Law: Saved by Free Will from “free will” For Free Will
Giving/Prosperity (Money!)
8-18-13 Your Stewardship of Unrighteousness
12-6-15 How Money Makes You Stupid (and what to do about it)
10-15-17 Smyrna and the Prosperity Gospel
6-25-23 Sensible Giving (and a Whole Lot. of Bull)
God where they “Don’t Know God”
6-10-12 Altars to the Unknown God
12-13-20 Eureka (A Baby in Every Manger)
God’s Character
3-14-10 If Your Dad Were a Monster *
8-17-14 Not so Good to be the King (Or, Why God is So Uptight About Sin)
1-31-16 The Thing That Made Dr. Evil Repent
2-19-17 What God Wants From You
7-30-07 Who’s Your Daddy? (ASA Conference) *
12-15-19 How to Wish God a Merry Christmas
5-24-20 How to Pray (the Holy Name)
God’s Sovereignty
9-24-17 Waking to the King of Kings
Hades (Outer Darkness)
8-5-12 The Potter’s Field [Judas] *
9-8-24 Hell: The Imaginary Elephant in the Middle of the Room
6-14-15 Heaven and How to Find It
12-9-18 “All Things New”: You Can Go Home
1-13-19 Do You Wanna Go to Heaven?
2-21-21 Prophecy 103: The Not Boring Heaven
2-18-24 Repent: The Kingdom is the Van
8-18-24 The Tale of Two Cities and One Party
Hearing God’s Voice
2-28-21 Prophecy 104 (The Voice of God and How it Sounds)
“Hell,” The Nature of
9-5-10 Jesus in the Land of Ghosts I (The Light of the World)
9-12-10 Jesus in the Land of Ghosts II (How He Sets Us Free)
9-19-10 Jesus in the Land of Ghosts III (I Can Die)
4-8-12 Easter in the Worst of All Places *
5-24-14 Saving Your Bacon and Losing Your Lord
6-28-15 Hell and How to Stay There
1-31-16 The Thing That Made Dr. Evil Repent
8-28-22 You Can Go to H3!! (The Kindness and Severity of God)
1-14-24 Milkmen Gone Extra Sour (and Satan’s Big “But”)
9-8-24 Hell: The Imaginary Elephant in the Middle of the Room
10-24-21 The Dishonorable Passion
2-25-18 Hope in a God Damned World
1-16-22 Hope: Inherit the Cosmos
5-8-22 In This Hope We Are Delivered
1-22-23 Seeds of Hope and Where They Grow
How to Do God’s Will
5-8-16 Happy Mother’s Day (Doing the Will of God) *
5-20-18 Where Good Things Come From
3-20-22 Sex Education For Pharisees
12-24-17 Ozzie: The Little Man Behind the Curtain (A Christmas Testimony)
4-1-18 Easter: You Can’t Be Serious
8-9-20 The Sheep in the Wolf in the Sheep’s Clothing
1-9-22 What Becomes of Our Boasting
Identity (and theosis)
12-9-12 To Know your Unknowable Name (You are not your $#!%)
3-17-13 Becoming Who You Already Are
3-16-14 Baptism in the Holy Spirit (and a world of temptation)
12-18-16 Already Approved (Merry Christmas)
11-12-17 Pergamum and Your Name
6-17-18 How to Conquer the Dragon
8-19-18 At Home in Who You Are
9-9-18 The Beast Is Not; So What Am I?
11-18-18 Thank God for “Me” (The Glorious Appearing…and Disappearing)
6-9-19 The Sanctity of Human Life (And your Life)
8-25-19 The Council of Gods (And Your Super Power)
11-10-19 Moses: The Epic Failure
1-19-20 The Kingdom and the Crowd
8-30-20 The Man Jesus Does Know (“Rock”)
1-17-21 Great Things for Yourself
8-1-21 The Name You Make and the Name That Makes You
8-7-22 The Work of the Word (I Know Who You Are)
8-21-22 The Work of the Word (I Know Who We Are)
4-21-24 Forgetting to Remember to Forget and Remember
9-15-24 Creation: Did God Lose Control of Time?
12-24-24 The Great and Very Humble God
Immanence of God
12-24-15 Expecting God in Unexpected Places
Incarnation and Missions
12-24-12 A Redneck Christmas: Concept C
4-15-18 To Prophesy the Mystery II (Meditations on a Cheeseburger) *
12-24-19 Larry the Sheep Guy and Concept C
12-24-20 The Baby Bomb (A Baby in Every Manger)
12-15-24 Good For Nothing Babies
8-9-09 Couldn’t We Just Wear T-shirts? [Circumcision]
8-19-12 The Most Neglected Commandment in The Bible
10-1-17 Ephesus and That Lovin’ Feeling
10-18-20 Foreskins and T-Shirts
9-18-16 Joy (At the Bottom of the Ladder)
11-13-16 Mirth in The House Of Mourning (Or “Judge Me Jesus!”)
4-1-18 Easter: You Can’t Be Serious
2-17-19 Your Favorite Thing to Do
3-17-19 Our Soul Shouts for Joy
10-27-19 When God Laughs (at you)
11-7-21 The Judgment of God (Is Fun)
8-25-24 The Name of the Promise is Laughter
The Judgment
8-24-08 The Judgment (Revelation 20: 11-15)
3-14-10 If Your Dad Were a Monster *
1-23-11 The Judgment (John 12:23-36)
7-15-12 How to Judge Yourself, the World, and Everyone It *
11-13-16 Mirth in The House Of Mourning (Or “Judge Me Jesus!”)
7-15-18 Glory Glory Hallelujah (The Grim Reaper isn’t Grim)
11-18-18 Thank God for “Me” (The Glorious Appearing…and Disappearing)
11-25-18 The Books of the Dead and the Books of the Lamb
5-12-19 How to Become a Mom (Where Babies Come From)
10-6-19 Good Judgment (Relentless Love Conference)
2-7-21 Prophecy 102: Who Gets Stoned
10-24-21 The Dishonorable Passion
11-20-22 How to Judge the Hell Out of Your Neighbor
10-20-24 The Judgement: There is Only One
Judgment (Decision Making)
5-13-18 Free Will? (The Ark is in the Temple)
11-7-21 The Judgment of God (Is Fun)
11-20-22 How to Judge the Hell Out of Your Neighbor
12-4-22 Much Worse and Far Better Than You Can Imagine (F@*t)
5-21-23 How Moses Made Decisions (and Decision Made Moses)
7-16-23 Ester: Harlot, Bride, and Mother (“Such a Time as This”)
12-1-24 The Will of God in Christ Jesus for You
1-5-25 The Conspiracy of Evil (and What to Not Do About It)
6-23-19 The Story You Tell Yourself
8-19-20 The Point (of Your Every Wound)
4-11-21 Prophecy 107 (Retribution)
12-24-13 The Baby Bomb (The Just Retribution)
10-25-15 To Be “Not Like Other Men”
1-24-16 Lazarus, the Rich Man, and Dr. Evil
2-19-17 What God Wants From You
2-20-22 Good News: You’re Dead
2-27-22 One Tree and Two “Me’s”
2-5-12 The Lost Ark (and its current location)
12-24-14 St. Nicholas: Hold the Baby
1-10-16 Lawyers Looking for Loopholes in Love (Humanity’s Incessant Lust for Hell)
2-16-20 A Near-Life Experience (for Zombies)
5-3-20 Perfection (and Infinate Neurosis)
5-10-20 Discipline and Dancing (In the Light)
2-2-25 What We Are to Do (Start Dancing)
3-17-24 Turtle Pens and the Power of The Imperishable Seed
Lord’s Supper (Communion)
9-10-23 How the Church Changes the World (Communion on a Sinking Ship)
Love (The Romance of God)
9-16-18 How to Judge a Harlot (Double Vengeance?)
9-23-18 The Romance of God (The Death of Fear and the Birth of Faith) *
6-13-21 Love (Take a Walk With Him)
7-31-22 Why I Am Likes You: Free Will
12-10-23 Cosmetics, Christmas and the Romance of God
Love (unconditional)
9-2-12 God Blessed You and You didn’t even Sneeze
7-30-17 Who’s Your Daddy? (ASA Conference) *
12-15-19 How to Wish God a Merry Christmas
1-2-22 Who’s Your Daddy? (2022)
11-6-22 Pay What You Owe, Sleepy Head
Love For All (Including the Lost)
9-6-09 When Jesus Goes to Sodom
2-14-10 The Picture on the Father’s Desk *
12-4-11 Does God Love Everyone? …Even Esau? *
6-8-14 How to Get into Heaven (or get heaven into you)
3-8-20 Lust and the Forgotten Beatitude
11-6-22 Pay What You Owe, Sleepy Head
11-20-11 Finding Your War (Warriors on Their Couches)
2-11-07 The Deepest Story Part 1 *
4-26-15 Jesus Stories & Stories Jesus Told (Living in a Parable)
3-27-16 Easter: The Meaning of the Scroll
8-5-16 The Forgotten Gospel: The Deeper Story of God’s Relentless Love
10-15-23 Apologies and Eulogies
1-15-17 Non-Strategic Obedience
Old Man/New Man
3-17-13 Becoming Who You Already Are
5-12-13 The Redemption of Space and Time (The Spotlight in Me) *
6-2-13 Thanks for Everything and Nothing *
11-20-16 Wisdom and Knowledge (and The Schemes of All Women)
12-18-16 Already Approved (Merry Christmas)
8-23-20 The “Man” Jesus Does Not Know
8-30-20 The Man Jesus Does Know (“Rock”)
8-1-21 The Name You Make and the Name That Makes You
2-27-22 One Tree and Two “Me’s”
6-19-22 Angry Birds and Vessels of Wrath
12-4-22 Much Worse and Far Better Than You Can Imagine (F@*t)
New Life
1-31-21 Prophecy 101 (How to Prophesy)
9-8-13 Parents and Children (“the discipline and instruction of the Lord”)
1-2-22 Who’s Your Daddy? (2022)
Politics and Religion
11-4-12 I’m God and I Approve This Message
4-13-14 How to Conquer Jerusalem (Zionism)
12-6-15 How Money Makes You Stupid (and what to do about it)
12-11-16 Talking Politics with Solomon
6-24-18 How to Battle the Beast (Politics and Religion!?!?)
7-8-18 The Dead Who Die and Dance
10-28-18 Don’t Miss the Millennium
10-25-20 Who to Not Vote For (and the Babysitter)
11-8-20 Partisan Politics: Three Days in Hell
11-15-20 Partisan Politics: Three Days in Hell (Part 2)
10-23-22 Be the Revolution (When All Your Rights Are Wrong)
11-5-23 How to Rebuild the Temple and Love Your Neighbor
8-4-24 Why Jesus Won’t be President
8-18-24 The Tale of Two Cities and One Party
Power (and Love)
12-10-17 Philadelphia and the Open Door
2-2-14 Your Disappointing “Prayer Life”
2-18-18 The Other Side of Silence
5-24-20 How to Pray (the Holy Name)
10-08-23 A Letter to the Uncommon Common
Pride (The Human Ego)
7-24-16 Never Wish Upon a Star
8-3-17 Baffled Kings Composing Hallelujah *
8-25-19 The Council of Gods (And Your Super Power)
10-27-19 When God Laughs… (At You)
7-26-20 The Narrow Way (That Finds You)
1-17-21 Great Things for Yourself
1-9-22 What Becomes of Our Boasting
4-16-23 The Chosen Unchosen (Seeing the One that Sees You)
1-31-21 Prophecy 101 (How to Prophesy)
Reality (Ontology and Epistemology)
9-17-17 To Dream and Stop Dreaming
8-23-20 The “Man” Jesus Does Not Know
11-22-20 How to Sanctify Everything (and Nothing)
11-28-21 Relativity and Thanksgiving
2-12-23 Romans 16:17-The End ~ The Mystery
8-3-17 Baffled Kings Composing Hallelujah
1-26-25 Faith and the “Unreasonable” Reason
Religion/Self Righteousness
8-23-15 Jesus Envy (Christians Who Crucify Christ)
5-22-16 The Antichrist (And How to Kill Him)
11-19-17 Thyatira and Love That Can’t be Pimped
8-9-20 The Sheep in the Wolf in the Sheep’s Clothing
3-21-21 Prophecy 105 (Mess With the World and the World Will Mess With You)
11-14-21 The Death of Fun (Religion)
6-24-22 Why You Don’t Have to “Go to Church”
8-13-23 A Most Encouraging Discouraging Story (Ananias and Sapphira)
11-17-19 God’s Rest (And How to Enter It)
Repentance (Grace that creates Faith)
11-15-15 The Kiss That Blows the Mind *
11-26-17 Sardis and the Dead (Who Don’t Know They’re Dead)
3-18-18 To Prophesy the Mystery
Sacrifice and Life (Blood Flow)
6-2-12 The Father’s Sacrifice and the Bloodthirsty God
10-9-16 How to Win the Beauty Pageant
12-24-16 The Youngest Oldest Man at Christmas
8-26-18 Seven Wounds and One Blessing
10-14-18 The Violence of Grace
10-6-19 Good Judgment (Relentless Love Conference)
11-19-23 Signs of Life at the Living Temple (Beautiful Deeds?)
11-26-23 Signs of Life at the Living Temple: Women, Slaves, and Martyrs
12-10-23 Cosmetics, Christmas and the Romance of God
12-24-23 I’ll Be Home for Christmas (the Testimony of Old Simeon from the Temple)
1-12-25 The Terrifying Implication of a Universal Salvation
1-31-16 The Thing That Made Dr. Evil Repent
9-18-17 300 (and how they conquered the gods)
1-24-16 Lazarus, the Rich Man, and Dr. Evil
4-15-18 To Prophesy the Mystery II (Meditations on a Cheeseburger) *
5-10-20 Discipline and Dancing (In the Light)
7-26-20 The Narrow Way (That Finds You)
5-23-21 Take a Walk (with the Unmoved Mover)
6-6-21 Wisdom (Take a Walk With Her)
6-27-21 Firefall: How Law Becomes Life
2-20-22 Good News: You’re Dead
5-15-22 When it’s Not Working it’s Working (Nuts)
6-30-24 Therefore (The Application)
The Sanctity of Human Life (Abortion, Poverty, Immigration)
6-9-19 The Sanctity of Human Life (And Your Life)
6-16-19 The Sanctity of Human Life (And Perfect Hatred)
5-31-15 What to do About the Sons of the Devil
Sex and Marriage
7-14-13 Looking for Your Helper
7-21-13 Warm Bodies in a Cold War
8-4-13 Marriage: God’s Sneaky Way to Get a Person Crucified
3-8-20 Lust and the Forgotten Beatitude
Science and Biblical Faith
9-17-17 To Dream and Stop Dreaming *
12-6-20 Seek (or Christmas in Athens)
11-26-23 Signs of Life at the Living Temple: Women, Slaves, and Martyrs
Signs and Wonders
9-21-14 Signs (of the Undivided Kingdom)
8-17-14 Not so Good to be the King (Or, Why God is so Uptight About Sin)
11-8-15 Sin and What to do about it
6-23-19 The Story You Tell Yourself
12-5-21 Relativity and the Reason for Wrong
4-3-22 What to do With Your Sins
9-15-13 The Bible and Slavery: How to Become One
2-25-24 Recipe for Joy (Sorrow in the Van)
Space-Time and Eternity (2nd Coming of Christ)
5-12-13 The Spotlight in Me (the Redemption of Space and Time) *
3-1-15 Do You Want to See (The Moonwalking Bear)
7-30-17 Relativity and Apokatastasis (ASA Conference)
10-30-22 Wake Up (The Apocalypse at Hand)
11-17-24 Eschatology: “God is Salvation” Wins and Has Always Won
Spiritual Warfare
9-5-10 Jesus in the Land of Ghosts I (The Light of the World)
9-12-10 Jesus in the Land of Ghosts II (How He Sets Us Free)
9-19-10 Jesus in the Land of Ghosts III (I Can Die)
9-22-13 Get Real (a “what” or a “who”)
10-6-13 Get Real (and Renounce the Kingdom of Lies)
10-13-13 Get Real (and Renounce Your Faith in the Devil–Jesus Wins)
10-20-13 Truth (and the Music in Hell)
11-3-13 Righteousness (Sometimes the Clothes do Make the Man)
11-10-13 Peace (for Walking into War)
11-17-13 Faith (and Flaming Darts)
12-1-13 The Helmet of Salvation (Wear it to Dinner)
2-2-14 Your Disappointing “Prayer Life”
6-17-18 How to Conquer the Dragon
6-24-18 How to Battle the Beasts (Politics and Religion)
11-2-12 The Successful Christian Life
9-21-14 Signs (of the undivided kingdom)
12-17-17 Laodicea: Pleasant as Hell
1-28-18 Soundtrack to the End of the World
2-4-18 What’s So Great About the Great Tribulation? (The Omen)
8-26-18 Seven Wounds and One Blessing
9-8-19 Where the Hell is God (the day my mother died)
3-22-20 The Corona Virus and the Blessing of the Curse
8-19-20 The Point (of Your Every Wound)
10-15-23 Apologies and Eulogies
3-29-20 My Favorite Swear Word
3-16-14 Baptism in the Holy Spirit (and a world of temptation)
1-12-20 The Devil Quotes the Bible
6-14-20 Lead Us Not Into Temptation
12-13-15 How to Beat Terrorism (and why s#!% happens)
11-22-20 How to Sanctify Everything (and Nothing)
11-28-21 Relativity and Thanksgiving
12-1-24 The Will of God in Christ Jesus for You
The Tree of Knowledge & Tree of Life
11-20-16 Wisdom and Knowledge (and The Schemes of All Women)
1-20-19 The Tree in the Middle of the Garden *
8-11-19 The Kind of Good You Can Taste
12-8-19 Envy (How Skipping Church Makes You Stupid)
3-1-20 Mad as Hell (and Happy as Heaven)
5-16-21 How to Do Good (The Perfect Offering)
6-6-21 Wisdom (Take a Walk With Her)
6-13-21 Love (Take a Walk With Him)
4-21-24 Forgetting to Remember to Forget and Remember
5-12-24 Why Be Good? (Wisdom From a Dumb Ass)
6-16-24 Why God Kills People and Those People Are Not Dead
10-6-24 The Fall: The Doctrine of Original Ignorance
11-10-24 Love and Law: Saved by Free Will from “free will” For Free Will
2-2-25 What We Are to Do (Start Dancing)
3-19-23 Wrestling Your Blessing
Ultimate Reconciliation for All (Apokatastasis)
2-5-04 The Vineyard (What if God was Better Than You Thought) *
2-18-07 The Deepest Story Part 2 *
10-4-15 The Vineyard (10 years later)
3-27-16 Easter: The Meaning of the Scroll
8-5-16 The Forgotten Gospel: The Deeper Story of God’s Relentless Love
9-25-16 Beauty-Full…But Beasts *
4-21-19 Hallelujah in Hell (King David)
2-7-21 Prophecy 102 (Who Gets Stoned)
5-2-21 Prophecy 108 (The Transformation of Shame *
5-2-21 Prophecy 108b (The Transformation of Shame into Life *
12-5-21 Relativity and the Reason for Wrong
5-29-22 Double Predestination (and the Sacred Sperm)
6-5-22 Double Predestination (Who to Blame?)
9-4-22 Mercy On All: The Resurrection of Adam
1-14-24 Milkmen Gone Extra Sour (and Satan’s Big “But”
1-28-24 Journey to the Magic Kingdom (Get in the Van)
2-18-24 Repent: The Kingdom is the Van
2-25-24 Recipe for Joy (Sorrow in the Van)
11-17-24 Eschatology: “God is Salvation” Wins and Has Always Won
1-12-25 The Terrifying Implication of a Universal Salvation
The Unity of All Humanity
(See: The Body of Christ—Anakephalaio)
Vengeance (God’s, of course)
9-16-18 How to Judge a Harlot (Double Vengeance?)
7-21-19 Why You Should Fear God
10-9-22 Vengeance (The Violence of Kindness)
10-18-20 Foreskins and T-Shirts
10-30-22 Wake Up (The Apocalypse at Hand)
The Word of God (will not fail)
4-22-12 The Lion in the Path *
3-21-21 Prophecy 105 (Mess With the World and the World Will Mess With You)
8-7-22 The Work of the Word (I Know Who You Are)
8-21-22 The Work of the Word (I Know Who We Are)
4-7-19 Don’t Just Do Something, Sit There
9-23-12 Lunatics (or “Why You Exist and Everything is What It Is”) *
2-12-12 Joy… The Lost Ark [David Dancing]
2-19-12 Fertility… and the Lost Ark [David Dancing]
2-17-19 Your Favorite Thing to Do
11-17-19 God’s Rest (And How to Enter It)
7-18-21 Drink to be Drunk by God
9-3-23 The Biblical Strategy for Global Conquest and Limitless Success
The Wrath of God
3-18-12 Vengeance and a Winepress
6-23-17 How to Conquer the Promised Land (“Devotion”)
8-12-18 The Gospel of Perfect Wrath
6-16-19 The Sanctity of Human Life (And “Perfect Hatred”)
6-19-22 Angry Birds and Vessels of Wrath
10-9-22 Vengeance (The Violence of Kindness)